
In 1841 James Peeling, former York County sheriff, purchased for $500 a tract of ninety-five acres of land most of which is now the site of Dallastown. This tract, located at the northern limit of what was called the York Barrens had for many years been a parade or muster ground for the militia and consequently was an open common. The first year that Peeling owned the land he could not produce one-half ton of hay from the entire ninety-five acres, but by 1848 he had improved the land to such an extent that he was able to sell nearly one hundred dollars’ worth of hay. Jonathan Minnich owned a house and small tract of land nearby, and Simon Plymire kept a hotel before the surrounding land was purchased by Peeling. James Edgar kept the first store.

The name Dallastown was given to it during the campaign of 1844 in honor of George M. Dallas, a distinguished citizen of Philadelphia who was elected and served as Vice President of the United States during the Polk administration. The town did not grow rapidly during its early history. Since it was never regularly laid out, nearly all the buildings were along one long street. The town was incorporated as a borough in 1867, with F. S. Heisler as the first burgess.

In 1884 A. V. Hartman was the burgess. There were thirty-eight cigar factories employing about 200 persons. Adam Kohler kept a general merchandise store and C. H. Keesey was the proprietor of a store and hotel. Ambrose Helder had a furniture store and undertaking establishment. There were two doctors in town, Dr. Lawson and Dr. A. P. T. Grove.

The first religious services of the United Brethren in Christ in and around Dallastown were held in houses of Jacob Sechrist, Jonathan Neff, Jacob Hartman, John Keller, and John Dougherty. In 1850 a brick church was built at a cost of $1500. In the same year St. Joseph’s Catholic Church erected a stone building as a cost of $1800. The cornerstone of St. Paul’s Lutheran and Reformed Church was laid on May 28, 1855 and the building was dedicated one year later. It was a brick structure, 47 ½ feet long by 37 ½ feet wide, with a tower and bell, and was erected at a cost of about $2000. Both Lutheran and Reformed congregations worshipped in this church until 1866 when the Lutheran congregation built a brick church of their own on Main Street at a cost of $13,000.

By 1884-85 the school term had been lengthened to six months. The 124 pupils were housed in a two-story brick building. John Fiddler taught the secondary school and Marth J. Wantz taught the primary school at a salary of $35 per month each. When the industrial boom reached Dallastown, the population increased rapidly, necessitating the erection of a large school building. A second floor was added in 1900.

The post office in Dallastown was established on September 28, 1847. The first postmaster, James Edgar was appointed on the same date and served until the second postmaster, James Cross, Jr., was appointed on March 29, 1855.

The First National Bank of Dallastown was organized February 1903 and opened its doors for business on March 11 of the same year with a capital stock of $50,000. Deposits on the first day were $29,000. John W. Minnich was chosen president and E. R. Heisey, cashier. The bank occupied the private residence of Dr. A. P. T. Grove until a new building was completed in February 1904.

Rescue Fire Company was organized with forty-five members February 24, 1892 with W. H. Glatfelter as president. The company purchased a hand truck from Samsy Company of New York and in 1905 bought a new Metropolitan steam engine, a hose wagon, and 1500 feet of hose. In 1905 a two-story brick engine house was erected at a cost of $5000.

The Advocate, an enterprising weekly newspaper, was founded in Dallastown in April 1894 by Daniel K. Taylor, who has since been the editor and proprietor. He also printed advertising novelties.

The population, which was 287 in 1870, has grown to 3,560 in 1970.


  • Walter, Selwyn History of Dallastown PA for the Dedication of the Dallastown Post Office, National Archives and Records Service, History and Government Division, March 2, 1962
  • Gibson, John, ed. History of York County, Pennsylvania, Chicago, F. A. Battery Publishing Co., 1886